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Germany in December

Hey everyone! I know Christmas is over, but when I was at my grandparents' house for Christmas, we found this poem my mom wrote when she was younger & it is about being a TCK during the Christmas season. For those who don't know my mom lived in Germany when she was a kid, so she is a TCK. So, I thought it would be fun to share the poem she wrote with you all...

Whenever I taste hot chocolate,

it is Germany in December,

I have just come in

from playing in the snow,

and need to be warmed up.

I take off my coat, hat, and mittens,

then sit down in front of the theater

sipping my hot chocolate

and counting the marshmallows.

But this is not my story.

My story is celebrating the holidays

without my aunts, uncles,

and grandparents.

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