Happy Easter!!!
If someone you knew died and rose again three days later, you would believe every single thing that came out of their mouth right? So, what is it that makes us question Jesus’s death and resurrection?! Is it the fact that we weren’t there to see it?! Well, I have good news for you. There are people that were there and wrote about it in a very special book (the Bible). And it wasn’t just them who witnessed it. Hundreds did. There are historical documents proving the Resurrection of Jesus Of Nazareth. Why is it that we still question it then??? I don’t know. The devil could be the answer of one person. Our sinful and doubtful nature, says another. Which is true, I have no Idea. Could it be both? Maybe.
Well, instead of doubting it today lets celebrate that we have the assurance that he loved us, dies for us, and rose again FOR US!!! So we could make the choice to be close to God and have a relationship with Him. Is that not amazing? He defeated death, so we could do the same and go to heaven. So... go. Go shout it out to the world, don’t let anyone go on with life without knowing they have a choice. Go.
Happy Easter!
