Happy Ever After? The Disney Image versus the Reality we live in PART 2
In my last article, I talked about how being yourself is one of the biggest spread messages in Disney movies, merchandise, and advertising; as well as how we can really be our true selves when we live in the confidence of God's word and design for each and every one of us.
However, in this article, I want to address another big aspect of the classic Disney movie: the “Happily Ever After”.
When we watch Disney movies, we often see a pattern. The heroine is usually brave, beautiful, and owner of an enormous heart with which she spreads kindness to everyone. The Bad guy probably becomes jealous and tries to rid the heroine or hero of his or her power and beauty; seek revenge on the heroine, etc... but by the end of the movie we see that the heroine defeats the bad guy, the land in which they live is magically restored and they end up with someone with whom they will stay hopelessly in love with for the rest of their lives. The scene closes, and that's a wrap. The end. Happily ever after.

When we see stories like this, we can often be very skeptical. How could any of these seemingly innocent Disney fairytale stories have any relation to real life? What does a happy ever after even look like in my life? Do they even exist?
Well, we know as christians that they very much do. Although, they don't exactly mean riding away with your true love into the sunset. We know our happily ever after comes through Jesus. Our "happy ever after" is in heaven. and the stories of good conquering evil for good, that's all going to happen someday when Jesus comes back, and in a way its already happened. When Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead after three days, he secured our happily ever after. He secured a perfect eternity spent with the Father, a better "happy ever after" than any Disney movie could depict.
As for the romance that seems to always occur ( im sorry I know I've mentioned it multiple times ;) ). I don't know what God has in store with you concerning relationships, but he will move through you regardless of wether you end up with someone or not.
So really, I mean this to say is that, don't get discouraged. When your life is in the middle of what seems like a cliff hanger and the plot is so thick that there is seemingly no end to the struggle, don't forget you have hope not only for your forever, but you also have hope for the moment. You have a happily ever after, one that can't be demolished by a sequel. When you accept Jesus as your savior, you're happily ever after is sealed in stone, and will never be written out of God's screen play.
This was little bit of a shorter article but I hope you enjoyed it all the same! I had fun writing this short series of articles, and I’m looking forward to writing more!
Until next time!