Interview: Lauren
Hey guys! To switch things up, I decided to interview family members and friends of TCKs and come out with an interview monthly for a little bit. I think that we generally talk about how it is hard to be a TCK, but I think that there is another side that we rarely talk about: family members and friends that we leave behind. Their world changes too, and I feel like I tend to minimize that. We are all constantly surrounded by people, and we impact them in a positive or negative way whether we realize it or not. The people that love us have to go through the same feelings of loss as a TCK, and absence means that you have to figure out what a long-distance relationship looks like with that person. Let’s take a closer look at the family members’ and friends’ lives together over the next couple of months!
The first interview I conducted was an interview with my cousin Lauren. We have known each other since we were born, and we are six months apart. I moved overseas when we were both in 4th grade. I hope that you enjoy this interview!

How old were you when your family member moved away?
Where do you live?
The U.S.
What did your family member moving away change for you?
It changed my thoughts towards family reunions and friends.
What did your relationship look like before?
We would see each other at holiday get-togethers and we were pretty close friends, pretty much inseparable.
What does it look like now? Have you grown closer? Apart?
We have grown closer because we talk more than we would have if her family was still here.
How do you stay in touch?
How can having a family member living overseas be hard?
The ways of life in cultures are different and can change, making friendship harder when it comes to understanding certain things that the other person is going through.
What are some cool things about having a family member overseas?
Rose living overseas is cool because I get to learn about a different culture and her experiences with school in a different country and we can compare.
How old are you now? Looking back on it, how has having a family member that lives overseas impacted you?
I am 14. It has impacted me by making get-togethers hard and taking one of my closest friends away. I now also have to always think of the fact that I can’t just see her soon. There are years in between visits from her and her family.
Is there anything else that you would like to say?
Although visits are scarce, I rely on God for His reassurance and care of my cousin and family.
I would like to give a big thank you to Lauren for taking the time to answer my questions! I look forward to interviewing more people!
If you are a family member of a TCK or a friend of a TCK-or even an old TCK who has moved back to their home country and would like to be interviewed, shoot us an email at !
See you guys soon!
Rose 🌹
Thank you Lauren for taking the time to do this interview!
i miss you :)