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Introducing Christina!

Hey guys!

My name is Christina! I am 14 years old and I love baking, writing stories, reading, and God. I spend time singing, making YouTube videos (Bennett Books)

I have been a TCK for 9 years. When I was 5 my family moved to South Asia from Europe to be missionaries and to serve God. I have seen a lot of different lifestyles and cultures from being a TCK and I have a unique view of the world because of it.

I chose to write for The TCK Times because I have been reading the blog for a while and I found it a really nice site with great writing. I thought that it would be a great experience to write for them. I will be writing regularly at least until the beginning of July, and we will see what happens from there!

I am hoping to share some of my faith in God, my passion for writing, and my love of baking.

I hope that you enjoy reading my posts!


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2 comentários

22 de jun. de 2021

We are so excited to have you on the team!!

Membro desconhecido
25 de jun. de 2021
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Thank you!

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