Introducing Nayeli!
Hey! It's Kasey here, starting this article. Nayeli is one of my best friends, and I have loved seeing her write and grow her blog, 2nd Gen TCK. Recently, we both agreed it was high time for her to join The TCK Times. I am so excited for you to read about her life as a TCK and to enjoy her writing. Let's hear from her!

Hey, y'all! I'm Nayeli, a 14-year-old TCK in South Asia. I love music, reading, writing on my blog (2ndGen.TCK), and travel.
I have been a TCK my whole life. I was born overseas and have grown up in Asia. Being a TCK is a big part of who I am and it has given me so many unique opportunities and experiences.
I chose to become a writer on the TCK Times because 1, Kasey asked me to and 2, this is such a great blog and outlet for TCKs and other people around the world. Thank you so much, Kasey, for inviting me to join the TCK Times! I can't wait to write more posts for y'all and I look forward to sharing about God, cooking, music, and whatever else comes along.
Thanks for reading! See you guys soon.
I'm so happy to have you on the team, Nayeli!! 😁