Living For Christ - Aliana's Testimony

I’ve grown up in a Christian home. My family has always taught me how great Christ’s love is for us and how he died on the cross for us. When I was about four, I asked my oldest sister to pray with me. I accepted Jesus into my heart that day. I have seen the Lord work in my life and many other people’s lives many times. I was baptized when I was seven. Throughout my life, I have moved about nine times. I have lost contact with close friends, especially when I was younger and did not have email or any other way to contact them. I love people. I am definitely an extrovert and so it’s really hard for me to move because I don’t know anyone. I have had to learn that Jesus is the best friend that we could EVER have!! He is never ever going to leave and He is always true and loyal!! I have seen God work in my life especially with giving me amazing and wonderful lifelong friends. He knows how hard it is for me without friends and surprises me just at the right points in my life with such amazing friends. I am thankful that He provides. When I was eleven years old, I went through a lot. I was not at a very great point in my life. God helped me through that time in life and I cannot explain how great His grace is. He is so, so good and will help you through anything and everything you go through any time in your life, no matter how “far gone” you feel. Remember that the way He helps us is not always obvious or in the way we want or thought He would do it, but He does everything for our good. God helped me through that point in my life and I am actually so grateful for how He did it. I did not know His plan when He started, but now years later, I understand and thank Him for what He has done in my life. Never doubt Him, because He is only doing what is best for you. I did not read my Bible much until the Summer of 2018. I downloaded the YouVersion app and started reading different devotions with my family members. I read it but did not exactly understand and live it out in my own life. It was really not until late last year, 2019, when I found a Christian YouTube channel, Coffee and Bible Time, when I started understanding how important it is to live my life for the Lord and glorify Him to the fullest of my abilities. I realized the whole reason for my existence is for Him, not me!! Their channel is very inspiring, encouraging, and helpful and I still watch their videos today. I really would recommend them. In October 2019, Kasey asked me to write for this very blog. I obviously accepted and love using the gift God has given me of writing, to reach so many people all over the globe! I want to share His love and praise Him through everything I do. I recently finished reading the whole Bible chronologically and it is such an amazing book full of wise words and encouragement from our Creator. He loves us and wants a personal relationship with us. Please just take a moment today to look up the verse Romans 8:37-39. I still mess up A LOT, but I am trying my best to glorify Jesus and love people as He does. I am still learning a ton about Him and know that will never change. I learn more and more every day about how crazy God loves us and how He is worthy of all our praise. I hope you know how much Jesus loves you!! And remember that He will never EVER leave you, even in your darkest times. Just reach out to Him and give it all to Him. I hope you have enjoyed this post and that you remember to take time out of your day to talk to our Creator. I love waking up in the morning and digging deep into His word and learning many more things about Him. Thank you for reading this and I hope it was an encouragement to you. I hope you are having a great day, and if you aren’t, know that I am praying for you. ❤️
~ Aliana 🌻