My 4:50 AM Morning Routine
4:50 - My alarm goes off and I try my best to get out of bed although sometimes I tend to lay in bed for a few more minutes. Then I make my bed.
5:00 - I get up and get dressed for soccer practice. I have soccer practice on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 5:45 AM. So, I get my soccer clothes on and head to the bathroom
5:15 - Once I'm in the bathroom I take my retainer out, brush my teeth, and put my contacts in.
5:20 - I'll go back to my room, journal, and read my Bible. I don't do this every day which isn't that good but I'm trying to read my Bible before I start my day. Sometimes if I have extra time in the mornings I'll read a personal book.
5:30 - I grab either a banana or a granola bar and put on my cleats and head to the car. My dad drives me to soccer every morning, it's about 15 minutes away. When we're in the car we mainly talk and listen to music.
5:50 - I'm at the soccer field, we typically warm up then we do drills, and finally play a match.
7:00 - I'm done with soccer and head back home.
7:10 - We're back home and I turn on my hot water heater and fill up my bucket with ARO water to wash my hair.
7:30 - I'm out of the shower and getting ready for the day. I typically put on an oversized t-shirt and some shorts. I don't really wear makeup so I'll just do some skincare and curl my lashes.
8:00 - Breakfast time, I either have toast, eggs, or cereal. While my family eats we watch World Watch which is a non-biased news channel.
8:30 - I make my cold brew, whippd coffee, or make matcha! This is one of my favorite parts of the morning.
9:30 - I'm starting school off with my Physical Science live class and this class goes till 10:30.

That's all I have for today, let me know if you all would like a night routine as well. I hope you have a good day :)