My Current Listens
Hey everyone! It's that time again, time to hear some more of my favorite songs. I usually get new music by asking my friends what they’ve been listening to or by listening to songs on their playlists. I use both Amazon Music and Spotify for music; I like Amazon music because the music is synced to my Alexa so I can tell her what to play easily, and I like Spotify because my friends and I can share playlists with one another. This playlist will be up on our YouTube channel in the next few days, along with the other playlists shared on the blog. I put fewer songs on this playlist because I still really enjoy the songs from previous playlists, so I haven’t been listening to a ton of new music.

Remember This by Jonas Brothers
Use Somebody by Kings of Leon
deja vu by Olivia Rodrigo
exile [feat. Bon Iver] by Taylor Swift
No Time for Tears by Little Mix
Someone To You by BANNERS
Getaway Car by Taylor Swift
love these songs Kasey!