Hey everyone,
I joined the TCK Times on 31st May 2021 and have written 10 posts since then. I have really enjoyed my time writing for the TCK Times and the team is really great. I have decided to leave The TCK Times team, but I have a few final things that I would love to say to you guys.

Firstly, writing has always been a passion of mine and I find a part of comfort in it. I enjoy writing stories and envisioning different worlds with characters and stories. So, writing for the TCK Times has been an experience in a different style of writing and I have learnt how to write to actual people about real things and life experiences. I enjoyed also knowing that I have an audience and that someone is actually reading what I write and that there is a great community surrounding this blog.
Secondly, I know that I didn't really talk a lot about my TCK life story so I will give you a quick summary. In 2010 (I think) my family moved to England from Wales to do mission training for a year and then in 2011 we moved to South Asia and I have been living there since then. I have moved houses here twice, been through an earthquake, blockades from other countries, and obviously all of the lockdowns. Being a TCK has really shaped who I am in good and bad ways. I am able to relate to more cultures and I see the world through different lenses. But, it can be really hard to have people constantly coming and going and never knowing how long you have with people. So, I wanted to say to you that even when being a TCK is really hard, just think of all the amazing experiences that you have had that so many people around the world haven't had.
Finally, I wanted to say thank you to you all for everything. I am so grateful for my chance to join this blog. I especially wanted to say a big thank you to Kasey because she has done such an amazing job on this blog and I think encouraged many TCKs around the world. I also wanted to say thank you to all of you for reading this blog and supporting it.
Now really finally, I want to say welcome to Rose! I am so excited to see what awesome things she brings to this team!
Ok, I'm done now.
So, goodbye and I hope to one day write for you again in the future!
God bless you,

I'm going to miss your posts, Christina! I'm so thankful you could write here for a few months! 😁