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My life so far...

Having friends as a TCK is hard.

I don’t have that many friends.

A handful at the most.

I have trust issues.

I have a hard time making friends.

When I do make friends I cling to them.

One of my only good friends is on stateside for a year.

The other is moving soon.

And it has been driving me crazy.

I am an influencer.

I write for a blog.

I have a job, babysitting.

I am in eighth grade.

I need a social life.

Life can be stressful

All these things make me need something.

A higher power who understands

I have that.

In God.

He helps me get through all this.

And I love Him for it.

When I feel unloved…

He loves me.

When I am having ugly thoughts…

He calls me beautiful one.

When I am alone...

He is with me.

When I am anxious…

He comforts me.

And I love him for it.


55 views4 comments


Aug 06, 2021

So much truth in this! God is so good!! 🙌 miss you! 🤍🤍


Charis Douglas
Charis Douglas
Aug 06, 2021

That was really lovely thank you


Aug 05, 2021

I love how you point this towards God!!


Aug 05, 2021

this is such a great post, I can identify. thanks for sharing Heather!

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