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My Opinion: Sexism

Writer's picture: Heather SwansonHeather Swanson

Sexism- Prejudice or discrimination towards someone’s gender. Sexism can affect anyone, but a lot of the time it is toward the female gender. -Me

Disclosure: I hold to the teaching of the Bible, which designates gender as a matter of biology. From the first page of Genesis, God’s image-bearers were created, male and female. All opinions expressed here are my own, and you do not have to agree with them. All statements made are not intended to be offensive to anyone.

There are two genders, male and female. Don’t ever let anyone tell you differently.

No one should ever be shamed for the gender of their birth. As image-bearers, both men and women share certain inalienable rights and dignity before God.


Gender inequality has persisted throughout history, and across many cultures. Even today there is a specific gender that is treated not as well as the other. I’m talking about the female gender. For centuries, and in many cultures, women have not had the same rights as men. These days the type of sexism I’m talking about isn’t very common in countries such as the United States or the UK. But it was definitely an issue back in the 1800s and 1900s. Don’t get me wrong, there is still sexism all over the world (including in America).


Imagine a bunch of huge ladies playing American football while there are men cheerleaders. Not pretty? I thought so. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying women shouldn’t play sports. In fact, I’m saying the opposite, I am a female and I love sports. Women have been allowed in sports for a while now, but we are still not as appreciated as men in sports. I know that men are usually bigger and more built for athletics than women. I believe that women should not ever try to change the fact that men are manly and women are not, though it’s ok to be fit. There are also different sports that have different components for men and women for each gender’s skills, such as gymnastics; women use equipment such as the uneven bars and the balance beam, whereas men use equipment such as the pommel horse and the rings.


I feel as though women need to be what God made us to be. God put women in and under the authority of men. Imagine if your mom was the head of the house rather than your dad. I mean, that would be pretty strange because God put men in a position of authority. That doesn’t mean women should be treated any less equal than men though. Men and women have equal value but different roles. Such as, if a woman has a child she is considered a mother. If a man's wife has a child then he is considered a father. Women and men are different inside and out, but that should not affect our human rights in any way!


In many businesses, there are both men and women working there to get paid.

Being paid obviously helps those with family’s pay for family needs. Say, the father of a family works at a company that pays him well. He is able to pay for the needs of his family without a problem. Say, there is also a mother of a different family, that works for the same company. She gets paid around 4/5 as much as the man, but she works just as hard. They both have the same positions and opportunities in their jobs, yet the man is paid more. This is the case all over the world with many businesses. Why? I don’t fully understand it either, but what I do know is that it’s not fair and it’s excluding many basic human rights in America.

“Back in the day”:

Back in the 1800s and early 1900s in the US, women would not be heard. They were home wife’s or teachers, but nothing more. Freedom of speech seemed to only apply to men. They weren’t allowed to vote. They were never considered smart, only pretty and elegant. Imagine if a girl was considered ‘beauty challenged’ (though, all people are beautiful and made in the image of God), that girl would have no place in that society. She would be an outcast and would be disowned everywhere she went. Awful, right?! Women had no right to take part in political matters, because ‘they were merely women’. What made men so much more important than women? What makes men so much more important than women? Here’s my answer… they weren’t and aren’t more important!

Personal experience:

There have been days when I’ve wanted to play basketball with the guys in my class, but they either wouldn’t let me or wouldn’t for the life of them pass. I really hate that someone’s gender can affect someone’s decision on whether or not to let someone participate. I have met someone (who shall not be named) who was so sexist he wouldn’t even talk to me with the respect I deserved. Let me tell you, I have made it very clear to all of my guy friends that they need to treat me with the same respect they give to their other friends and they need to treat all girls with respect. They agreed. This topic triggers me and it’s something I need to work on. I’m not proud of it, but there have been times when I've heard a guy treating one of my friends like dirt. I got mad, and it wasn’t pretty. Now before you guys reading this leave because you think I’m calling y’all out, wait, cause there is also sexism toward the male gender and I’m gonna talk about that now.

Sexism toward men:

Now not all boys are good or are into sports. And that’s okay. Boys are most of the time considered or assumed to be jocks that are huge and into sports. But there are boys who prefer to focus on education. Being into math and science is ok! Why is it that all the popular boys are huge and athletic? Why does society think it’s ok to judge people on the way they look or their abilities? Because we are born to expect that the better you look or the more talented you are, means they are worth more. It’s our sinful nature. Boys who are born smaller and less athletic than others don’t have any less value. And it’s wrong to assume that they are all the same, sporty, jocky, big dudes.

I hope y’all enjoyed reading today’s article! If you like my opinion articles please email us at to suggest an opinion you’d like to hear about! I really enjoy sharing my opinions that I’m passionate about and I’d love to continue! Love y’all! See ya next time!




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