November TCK Interview 1: Lewis
Hey everyone! I hope everyone is having an amazing month! This month's TCK interview is with one of my brothers. Lewis is funny, outgoing, and an overall fun kid. I hope you enjoy hearing about what he has to say about being a TCK. This TCK interview was originally meant to be published in October but was pushed back, so you will have another TCK interview this month!

1. Do you have any siblings?
Yes, I have three older sisters, (ages 16, 14, 12) and one younger brother (age 6.)
2. What is the continent you live on?
I have been born and raised in South Asia, but a year and 3 months ago we moved to the States temporarily.
3. What is the home country or state you're from?
My parents are from Oklahoma.
4. What type of school do you go to? (national, international, homeschool, online school, etc)
I'm homeschooled.
5. How old are you?
I'm 10.
6. How long have you lived in your host country?
I've lived in South Asia my whole life.
7. What are some great things about living overseas?
You get to experience different things than most people have & I love all the people I've gotten to meet.
8. What's one thing you miss about your home country?
Chick-fil-a, friends, & family.
"It says one thing and I said three things haha." -Lewis
9. What are some of your extracurriculars and hobbies?
Playing Minecraft, riding my bike, and jumping on the trampoline.
10. How do you communicate with your friends in your home country?
Through iMessage.
11. How old were you when you became a TCK?
Zero (I was born overseas.)
12. What's one hard thing about living overseas?
You have less time with extended family and you don't get Chick-fil-a.
"Two things *laughs hysterically*" -Lewis
13. What's your favorite food that you can get in your home country?
I just want to give a big thank you to Lewis for taking the time to answer all these questions. Another thanks to all of our readers who give us support & take the time out of your day to email us. Remember, you are God’s creation, made in His image by His own hands! Don’t forget that God loves you so deeply. If you would like us to interview you for one of the coming months' TCK interviews, please feel free to email us at Hope you are having a beautiful day. God loves you!
~ Aliana 🌻