Opinion post: Fears
Hey guys! If you’ve been a reader of The TCK Times times for a while then you may know that my 3 irrational fears are:
Being bored
Losing friends to people I think are better than me
These fears are unusual I’ll admit, but they're MY fears and no one has the right to judge me for them.
Everyone has fears and irrational fears, no one is fearless. Some people are afraid of spiders, heights, water, tight spaces, or snakes. And that’s ok! No one should ever make you feel bad about your fear. And you should never try to make someone feel stupid because their fear is different.
I get made fun of sometimes when I’m bored. I would say I don’t cry very often, but when I do it’s usually because I’m bored. I have to be active at all times or my brain starts freaking out. Though I’m hardly not being active, five minutes of not knowing what to do are very difficult for me. When my friends see I’m crying over being bored their first reaction is to laugh. I can’t blame them, but it doesn’t make it right. Laughing at someone because of their fear is DEFINITELY NOT helping them. It’s ok to help your friend grow in their strength to face their fear as long as you're HELPING.
Another one of my fears is headaches. I REALLY hate headaches. They come often for me. I try to be open about it to my friends, but recently I was called ‘whack’ by my closest friend for saying I was scared of headaches. This really hurt me emotionally cause I already knew it was a strange fear. To be called ‘whack’ for something that actually has a story behind it is wrong. I’m not going to share why I have a fear of headaches because it’s kinda private, but you should get the idea.
So all I ask is that you help your friends through their fears rather than make fun of them. If you are the one with the fear then be open about it and don’t let people's words hurt you instead let their words help you face your fears.

Love y’all! I love writing these! If you have something you would like me or any of the other writers to talk about, please email us at tcktimes@gmail.com! See you next time!