Self Worth and Identity
I am a teenager and that comes with having to deal with the questions behind self-worth and identity.
I know people who have really struggled with these things, to the point it was dangerous. Questions about these two issues are important, and everyone chooses what they put their identity in during their life.
The thing is, we all need Jesus, whether we realize it or not. Trying to fill the hole with things like drugs, relationships, having perfect grades, or the perfect image on social media, even the most likes and followers on Instagram, Snapchat, or Facebook, won’t work. It might seem like it did, but it doesn’t, because the day that you: get a bad grade; someone breaks up with you; a crush jilts you; or some other little thing happens to break your « perfect » world, you are back to square one. Why does the world have to continually reject the gospel? They want peace and a good « balanced » future, a perfect government, and a perfect world, but none of those things exist without God.
God provides the answers to self-worth and identity:

God is our identity, and no one or nothing else can define us. Why do we reject that?
We are his children
He created us
You are beautiful/handsome, like all of His creation.
He is enough. He loves you and gives you all you need.
I struggled with my identity and self-worth for a while before I finally came to the point where I fully believed in my heart and my mind that I am His, I am beautiful, and I am enough. I didn’t want to appear proud, but « Humility isn’t thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less. » There is a fine line between the two, but Rick Warren explains it very well in that quote, which I discovered doing a Bible study with some friends: Defined by Priscilla Shirer (For Teens). I would definitely recommend trying it out. It really helped.
Through that and time spent with the Lord, along with another Bible study I did with my best friend (Ann), I started on a journey to freedom from the lies I believed about myself. Today, I still struggle with it sometimes, but I can honestly say that « I am fearfully and wonderfully made » (Psalm 139:14a) and believe what God says about me in that Psalm along with Ephesians. Psalm 139 is one of my favorite passages now and has been a great encouragement and help as I worked through my identity and self-worth.
If you are struggling with this, know that you are not alone. Thousands of teenagers like you and me are dealing with this same struggle. I bet that if you talk to your friends about the way that you feel, you might find out that they are struggling with the same things. Know one thing: God loves you and it doesn’t matter what you have done, how far off the path you have run, what you look like, how amazing or dysfunctional your family is, if you are failing in school, or dealing with these same feelings…He wants to hear about it, and He can give you peace that surpasses all understanding along with confidence in yourself. Trusting Him with these feelings is worth it. Believe me, you won’t regret it.
~Rose 🌹
I love this post! What a great reminder of where our worth & identity are.