Service Hours and a TCK's Experience

Hey everyone! Today's post will be me sharing some ideas on service hour earning opportunities for any of you who are in high school and need to get service hours to graduate. There’s also a short TCK experience story at the end of the post so be sure to keep reading.
I had some time in the states this year and it happened to be when I was starting my freshman year (online). Because my host country doesn’t have many options for me to get service hours, I went ahead and got the majority I would need to graduate. I worked two days a week for 4 hours each day for a few months at a Christian thrift store. Online school was a great way for me to have more time to earn service hours. It was a good opportunity to get to know new people and experience a glimpse of what having a part time job would look like. If you’re struggling to find ways to get service hours, here are some ideas: volunteering at a thrift store, food drive, or charity; leading a club or class for younger kids, helping around campus, fund-raising to help give to some organization (through your school if possible).
Okay, time for the TCK story. When I went to say goodbye to the thrift store employees as I was preparing to go back to my host country, a couple of them asked me an interesting question. 'Are you afraid to go back overseas?'. This question threw me off because I had never thought of going back to the place that is home to me as something to be afraid of. It was funny to me that this person asked this question because I had just been asked the exact same thing at a church I had visited the past week. This question made me think about how so many who don’t live the same lifestyle as me and other TCKs have such a different perspective on things. It’s both funny and sad how some people from my home country see other places around the world. These two experiences of being asked what was such an odd question to me helped me to realize how blessed I am to be able to have a much wider worldview and more cultural experiences.