Study Tips
Hey everyone! Today I'm sharing some tips that help me if I'm studying for a test or if I'm just trying to get homework done. I know that everyone learns in different ways and have different techniques for learning, but hopefully, you find at least one of these tips helpful!

Take breaks. Whether you use the Pomodoro method or study a different way, taking breaks has been proven to help retain knowledge. Make sure you do something useful and healthy during your (short) break from studying. You could eat a snack, go on a short walk, or tidy up your work area. Make sure to avoid going on your phone, eating junk food, and taking a nap.
Set small goals. When you have a big project, breaking it up into smaller tasks can help you see what you need to accomplish and help you plan out your time accordingly.
DON'T PROCRASTINATE! I have fallen into this trap (and still do), but procrastinating will only push your work until a later, more urgent, time, not help you get it done.
Take good notes. Having good class notes is very helpful for studying for tests and completing homework. I also like to have my notes near me during class, as they can help me answer questions that my teacher asks me.
Have visuals. Especially if you are a visual learner, draw little doodles next to your notes that are related to what you're learning, make a diagram to put information in, or maybe even have a little map for history/geography classes.
Do the first things first. Please do what's due first first! Putting the easiest thing first even if it's due a week later doesn't make sense because the time that you have today could be cut short or other assignments could take longer than expected.
I've done a lot of homework and studying in my life, and I hope that these tips help you!
Kasey ✨