Taking a break
Hey! So you can probably see in the title that I will be taking a break from The TCK Times.

I am not taking a super long break, but at least until July. The reason why is because I have a lot on my plate right now. You've probably noticed that I haven’t been posting as often as I used to, which is because I have a lot of school work to do now that the school year is almost over. I also have a lot of editing to do for A TCK Wonder. Balancing those two thing with writing for The TCK Times and having a decent social life is very difficult. That’s why I’m going to take a break until my summer break comes. Then I’ll rejoin the writing team and continue writing and sharing with y’all. Kasey has found a substitute to write in my place while I’m gone, so you will still get the same number of posts and get to see a different perspective! Thank you for understanding.
Until next time,