The HEAR Bible Method
Today, I'm going to be sharing a method of journaling for your Bible reading When I read my Bible in the mornings I often tend to forget what I read right after I read it. I want to dwell on my Bible reading throughout the day and apply it to my daily life. So, I like to journal after I read. Let me share my methods with you.
The HEAR method
The HEAR method stands for:
H - highlight E -explain A - apply R - response
You take a passage from the scripture that stood out to you while reading and write it down.
Explain the passage you wrote down in your own words.
How can you apply this passage to your life? Answer that question and try to elaborate on it and how it makes you feel.
And finally response, your response can be many different things. But for me personally, I like to pray. You can write down your prayer, pray in your head, or say it aloud. I often get distracted when I pray in my head so I like to pray aloud.
