The Same Yet Different: We’re Back!!!
It’s crazy to think this blog has been dead and there has been no content in months. TCK Times over the years has been a safe place for me and a way for me and others to express myself, but things got so hectic for the entire writing team that we weren’t able to write anymore. So we sort of all took a break.
I want to take a few moments and words to just recognize all of the people who have written this blog over the years and poured into their writing before jumping into announcements. I would also like to especially mention our last writing team who did an excellent job and will be especially missed. Thank you Willow and Brittany for being great friends and really pouring into the blog.
On that note, I would like to introduce the new team and modalities being put in place with this relaunch.
A new team…
Over the months, I’ve thought about relaunching this blog yet again but never had the team to do it. Yet, over the past few months through my school network and friends, I have collected a network of people ready to write. I’m excited to welcome Thomas White, Virginia Dare and Martino Romero as new writers for the blog.
In guise of an introduction, let’s hear a little bit about them in. Their own words!
I'm Thomas White. I was born in Greece, grew up in Malaysia, and currently live in Germany. I've been attending Christian international schools my whole life, and I'm an avid reader. I think that the blog format is best suited to shorter, personal essays, so I plan on drawing my inspiration mostly from John Greene and G.K. Chesterton.
I’m Virginia, a sixteen year old girl who has lived in Afghanistan for my whole life and now goes to boarding school in Germany.
Hello everyone my name is Martino and it is an honor for me to start writing on this blog!
For all of you who don’t know me, I am a very energetic character. I would describe myself as someone who loves to get into controversial topics and doesn't like an easy answer. Growing up as a Third Culture Kid has allowed me to develop different views and interests, and in these next few articles, we will be exploring some of these topics. I love eating, playing sports, and listening to music (although my music state isn't the best). I love discussing sports, theology, philosophy, or your favorite trip or food, as long as we stay clear of politics.
I hope you know a little bit about me, and I can't wait to dive into all the topics.
Until next time,
Martino J. J. Romero
A new era…
There is more change coming than just the new writing team, as we are adding a new component to the blog: an instagram page. (Get excited guys!)
To run this page, my friend Caleb will also join our team and will set up the page as well as man it. We will say more about this as we get closer to finished and when the page is up and running, so keep your eyes peeled!
A new start…
This team is different in many ways than past teams, especially with two guys joining. But different is ok, it might shake things up a bit but that is good from time to time. This isn’t going to be exactly the same as before but we want to continually strive to be better writers and honor God through all we say and do.
I look forward to what these next few months will bring!
All the best,
Editor in chief