The Writers' Favorites
Sup y’all!!! I’ve wanted to do this article for a while because I think it’s a unique idea. Here are all of The TCK Times crew’s ‘favorites’. I did write this before Jason left The TCK Times, so it includes his answers too. ENJOY!

Favorite color
Aliana- Mint green
Me (Heather)- Green & Dark blue
Indiana- light Purple
Jason- Dark blue
Kasey- Purple
Favorite sport
Aliana- Gymnastics (to watch)
Me (Heather)- Currently, basketball
Indiana- American football (to watch)
Jason- Basketball
Kasey- Basketball
Favorite food:
Aliana- Mexican
Me (Heather)- Don't have one
Indiana- Mexican
Jason- Don't have one
Kasey- Pasta
Favorite movie and book
Aliana- Book: Keeper Of The Lost Cities
Movie: Soul Surfer
Me (Heather)- Book: The Percy Jackson series and the Heroes of Olympus series Movie: Avengers, Age of Ultron
Indiana- book: Hunger Games, trilogy
Movie: All the high school musicals and hunger games
Jason- Book: Holes
Movie: Captain America, The First Avenger
Kasey- Book: The Book Thief
Movie: Avengers Endgame
Favorite animals
Aliana- turtles and rabbits
Me (Heather)- dog or wolf
Indiana- bulldogs
Jason- dog or wolf
Kasey- sea turtles
Favorite song
Aliana- any Christian music
Me (Heather)- don't have one
Indiana- Hero
Jason- don't have one
Kasey- 18, by One Direction
I hope you enjoyed reading about the favorite things of The TCK Times crew. :)
Heather ⚽