What is Worship?

How can one worship God? Though reading the Bible and praying are important ways to worship, these are just a few ways to show praise to the Lord our King. There are so many unique ways to give Him honor.
God has given each person a special gift to use for His glory and all these gifts can be used to worship Him in their own special way. Live to give the Lord the glory He deserves. The power He holds is unimaginable, making Him truly worthy of our praise.
How can one give Him the glory? Use the gifts the Lord has given. If talented in sports, give Him the glory by thanking Him for giving the ability to play, no matter if the game is won or not. Recognize that nothing is done by one’s own understanding or “goodness.” Realize that mortals have no power. God works through mankind to do great things, and that is amazing! Praise Him, do not neglect Him. If one’s gift is singing, use it to praise Him. While doing so, share the story of His goodness and of who He is with the world. Admire the Lord’s beautifully created handiwork all around. Worship Him through mundane tasks. On a stroll, praise Him for strong legs that have the ability to walk, jump, and run. Thank Him for creating eyes to see His wonderful, awe-inspiring work. Praise Him with every breath. Maybe the gift God has given is shown through a lens or a delicate paintbrush. By capturing the gorgeous work of His hands, one is worshipping Him. Showing His holiness through art. If speaking is the gift, use it to share with others about His wonders and His glory. Worship can even be done by sitting down to rest. Why is that? Because worshipping the One True God is not about the 1,000 religious tasks which can be completed. It’s not about how many Bible verses can be memorized, nor about reading the Bible every day so that “He will love you more.” No, that is not the reason, because He already does, unconditionally, forever. No “good acts” can change that.
True worship is coming to full surrender to the only One who can save us from our destruction. It is about your heart towards the Lord. Is your heart truly for God? Are you willing to completely live your life for Him? This is the act of worship. Not something we do to earn God’s love, nor something we have to do to be saved, but something we do to remind ourselves that we are wicked, sinful, unworthy people in need of a Savior, and in doing this, truly rest in the fact of who God is; Lord of All, King, Creator, Worthy, and Savior. It is a heart posture.
True worship can come in many forms, but when it comes down to it, worship is a way we show reverence and adoration to the Creator of the universe. It is continually showing praise to Him no matter what you are doing. Honor the Lord in all you do and surrender all that you are to Him.
By Aliana 🌻