What to listen to while studying!
Hello everyone! Long time no type! I am back from my little writing break and I'm better than ever. One of the main reasons why I stopped was because of school and how I procrastinate so much. So, I've decided to start a little series where I give you tips on how to study and take tests better! Let's get started. :)
Classical Music:
Classical music is known for being peaceful and harmonious, creating a calm and productive scene for studying. It is one of my favorites to listen to! I recommend searching up the channel: HALIDONMUSIC on YouTube.
Timed Tempos:
Time temps are perfect for people who want to feel more relaxed. However, I have found this one doesn't work well for me. But everything is different for everyone! I recommend searching up, Concertos for Recorder – Telemann & Vivaldi on YouTube.
Instrumental Ambient Sounds:
This one is my all-time favorites to listen to! I love these because they're mostly covers of pop songs turned into instrumental music. I have two recommendations for this one. Number one: Royals - Vitamin String Quartet Tribute to Lorde. Number two: Anything from Duomo mostly! Especially their cover of Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift.
Nature Sounds:
This one works well for when you have to read a lot. Rain music or ocean sounds are awesome for making a calm little studying area. It makes it feel like a rainy day where you have a hot cup of coffee!! I recommend calmsounds.com or rainymood.com.

This is all I have for today! I am incredibly excited to get started with my monthly study/school tips. I hope you guys are as excited as I am! If you have any questions or recommendations email tcktimes@gmail.com See you in March! <3
Claire 🌸