When the Summer Season Comes to a Close.
Just like the start of summer comes with transitions, the end of the summer season also brings a lot of transitions. Around mid- to late August, the stores exchange their huge racks of swimsuits and pool toys with every type school supplies imaginable for other things. Backpacks, pencil cases, notebooks, pencils, pens, paint, glue, etc.; all go on sale beneath huge signs reading "BACK TO SCHOOL!" in what ever dialect your particular country happens to function in.
Honestly, I think stores do a great job of embodying how big the transitions can be at the end of the summer. A lot happens when the summer wraps up. And even though the beginning of the year is January 1st, it seems like the beginning of chapters in life start at the end of summer. The end of summer might mean attending a new school, starting middle or high school or even college. It might be returning to the same school you were at last year, and even then the start of your new chapter might be as simple as starting a new grade. Or who knows, you may even find yourself in a different country than you were in at the start of the summer!
Whatever it might be, the end of summer is often the beginning of new life chapters and transition. And I don't mean to "beat a dead horse" because I know that the TCK Times has A LOT of posts about transition and change and new beginnings, but as new chapters are constantly beginning and old chapters constantly coming to a close, I want this post to be an encouragement to who ever is going through a transition right now as the month of August wraps up.

So whether or not you’ve started school yet, I just want to remind who ever reads this post that they are never alone in the transition, whether it's anything I might have mentioned during this post or something completely unrelated to school, summer or new chapters of life. Whatever is going on in your life right now, just know that you're never alone and that God is “working all things for the good of those who love him”. So as you start new phases of life, remember that even though our circumstances might change, our God NEVER EVER will. His grace is abundant, and his love for you, overflowing. There is no moment where you are not held in the arms of the Lord.
Through the stillness, through the change, through the transition you are held and you are loved. :)
I hope this post was encouraging for everyone reading it! It's been a long time since I've posted anything and I really enjoyed writing this! And I'm excited to keep writing more! And a quick shout out to Rose, you’re doing great! You did a great job managing the TCK times over the crazy summer months. I love you and I'll be praying for you throughout your end of summer transitions
Well, that's all from me!
Until next time!
~Willow :)