6 Necessities for your Morning Routine

1. Make your bed. People who make their beds are happier and more successful. Making your bed gives you a feeling of accomplishment early in the morning. Only 27% of people make their bed, so let's raise that number up!
2. Exercise. Morning is the perfect time to exercise because it will wake you up for the day and keep you fit. Check out our Easy Exercises article to get ideas for simple workouts you can do in the morning.
3. Eat a healthy breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it gives you energy for the rest of the day and makes you feel more prepared. 53% of Americans skip breakfast at least once a week, and 12% never eat breakfast.
4. Review your to-do list. To-do lists help you stay on task and focused, so if you look over it in the morning, you will be ready for the day ahead. This will help you to have a productive day and get those pesky little tasks done. Check out our post on to do lists for more info on that. To-Do List Post.
5. Leave time to get ready. One of the things that will not help you be ready is rushing through the morning. If you leave time to eat, get dressed, brush your hair and teeth, etc, then you will feel relaxed and more prepared for the day.
6. Drink water! Dehydration will give you headaches and make you feel generally not good. After drinking water, you will feel more alert and awake and ready to take on the day!