A Double Interview: Kayla & Ruth
Hey everybody! Recently, I was able to interview two very different people, A TCK and a non-TCK. I thought it would be really interesting to switch up this interview by sharing both people’s answers to the questions I asked. This is kind of similar to an interview that Heather did that you can check out here, but it is also different, because this is not with two TCKs. I hope this shows y’all the differences and similarities between TCKs and non-TCKs! I interviewed two of my very close friends, Kayla, who is not a TCK and Ruth, who is. Kayla is a really kind person who makes you feel welcome no matter where you are. She has a really strong faith in the Lord and I admire her for that. Ruth is a really fun person who it is almost impossible to get bored with. She is really nice and kind and I love spending time with her and she also has a strong faith. I have known her for a really long time. I love both of these girls for who God has made them to be.

1. Siblings
Kayla: I have 4. Two sisters and Two brothers. They are 26, 23, 21, and 18.
Ruth: Two sisters, who are 14 and 10.
2. What continent do you live on?
Kayla: I live in the U.S.
Ruth: Asia.
3. Home country + state you're from/ your parents are from.
Kayla: I’m from Texas.
Ruth: My mom is from Oklahoma my dad is from Texas and I was born in Hawaii.
4. Type of school (national, international, homeschool, online school, etc)
Kayla: I go to a public junior high school.
Ruth: Homeschool.
5. Age
Kayla: I am 13.
Ruth: 12.
6. For Kayla, how long have you lived in your current house? For Ruth, how long have you lived in your host country?
Kayla: I’ve lived in my house my whole life.
Ruth: 4 years.
7. For Kayla, Great things about living in the States? For Ruth, Great things about living overseas?
Kayla: All of my family lives here and I love my friends. Also, I love that we all get freedom of religion.
Ruth: Being able to teach lost people about God.
8. For Kayla, Have you ever traveled outside of the States? For Ruth, One thing that you miss about your home country.
Kayla: No, but I am going to Mexico next year! (hopefully.)
Ruth: Family.
9. Extracurriculars and hobbies.
Kayla: I love acting and reading.
Ruth: I love reading and swimming.
10. For Kayla, How do you communicate with your friends? (iMessage, FaceTime, all, etc.) For Ruth, How do you communicate with your friends in your home country?
Kayla: I like FaceTime the best!
Ruth: By facetime, email, and text message.
11. For Kayla, Have you ever moved? For Ruth, How old were you when you became a TCK?
Kayla: I have never moved. Always been in the same old house.
Ruth: I was a week away from turning one.
12. For Kayla, If you could live overseas, where would you like to live? For Ruth, One hard thing about living overseas.
Kayla: I would probably choose Italy or England.
Ruth: Not being able to see family.
13. Favorite food from your home country.
Kayla: My favorite food is pasta.
Ruth: Probably pizza or cheese burgers.
14. Anything else you'd like to add?
Kayla: I love God with my whole heart!!!!
Ruth: No :)
I just want to thank both Kayla and Ruth for giving me the chance and taking the time for me to interview them. I really enjoyed it. If you would like to be interviewed for a TCK Interview, email us at tcktimes@gmail.com. I hope you have enjoyed reading this. Thank you all, and remember to share the TCK Times with your friends & family! I write a TCK Interview every month, so keep your eye out for our next one! Please email us at tcktimes@gmail.com if you have any questions that you think we should add to our TCK Interviews. We'd love to hear from you! Have a blessed day & stay safe!
~Aliana 🌻