A Day in the Life of a TCK #3
Hey y’all!! Today, you’re going to see what a normal day in the life of our own Heather Swanson looks like! She did two posts like this a few months ago, and I really liked them, so I got her permission to share with you guys what her days consist of! Hope you enjoy.

So I usually wake up around 6:25. I take about ten minutes to sit in bed and read or check my planner. When I get out of bed and go pack my bag for school. Then I’ll get dressed, have breakfast, and go outside to jump on the trampoline. Jumping on the trampoline wakes me up and gets me energized. After all of this, it’s about 7:10 or so. By then it’s almost time to go to school. I brush my teeth, brush my hair, and wash my face. On the way out to the car, I grab my backpack and check that I’ve got everything I need. While in the car we have to go pick up James, who is our friend that goes to the same school. He is 15 and is like our older brother so we tease and annoy him! 🤪🤪 When we get to school it is normally 7:45 (depending on the traffic.) If we get there early, the younger kids go play, and I will go to the football (soccer) field and play a little. When the bell rings, I go to the big building and meet up with Avery. Then school starts. Avery and I are in different homerooms, so we only get to see each other during break, lunch, and PE. Well, for break Avery, me, and our other friends sit around sharing snacks and talking. At Lunch, we go to the cafeteria and get our food. If it’s something we don’t like or don’t feel like having, we’ll go down to the local school that’s really close and buy food there. After the last few classes it’s time to go. Mine and Avery’s moms usually talk for a while after school, so we have some time to hang out. Then we go home. I play on the trampoline, chill, and do homework. We have dinner around 5:30 or 6:00. We finish and wash dishes. We all go to the living room and watch a movie or show. Then we go to our rooms at 8:00, but I go to sleep at 9:30 or 10:00. And my life goes on like that (at least until COVID hit. 😂🤪) -Heather
I am so glad Heather agreed to do this article with me. I hope you guys enjoyed reading about her daily routine (before COVID.) Thank you all, and remember to share The TCK Times with your friends & family! Please email us at tcktimes@gmail.com if you have any suggestions or questions for us (or just want to say hi!) We would love to hear from you! Have a blessed day & stay safe!
~Aliana 🌻