My Daily To-Do List
Hey everybody! In October, Kasey wrote a post about what her to-do lists usually consist of, and I really loved that post. I’m also someone who loves to make lists; From daily to-do’s to bucket lists, I am often found making one. I realized that Kasey and I make our lists a tiny bit differently, so I thought it would be helpful for some of you that do make to-do lists (or want to start making them) if I also share my way of organizing my list. It can be nice to have different ideas sometimes. So, in this article, I’m going to be sharing what I usually put on my to-do list and how it helps me.
D A T E -
At the top of my to-do list, I like to put the date that I’m going to be following it. It also doesn’t hurt to bring out a little creativeness to make it look good! ;)
C A T E G O R I E S -
I usually sort my tasks into categories, because it helps me know what I’m doing the specific task for. I enjoy color-coding them for this so that each category has its own color. This makes it easier to remember which tasks go in which category. Usually, my lists have 4 categories.
The first one is my morning routine. I like to write out my morning routine because it helps me stay on task.
The next category is school. I’m homeschooled and have been my whole life. I usually procrastinate, which is something I don’t like to do, so I’ve been working on that. Writing out the things I have to work on that day really helps me to not procrastinate as much.
Then I usually put things that are fun/productive. This category is where I basically get to do the stuff I like and/or the things that make me feel good getting done. These tasks vary from day to day, though.
The last thing that goes on the list is my night routine. Like my morning routine, I like writing this down to stay on task. :)
I like to write my To-Do lists the night before because then I don’t have to worry about it in the morning. To-Do lists really help me out because I like to stay organized and I find that when I don’t make one, I am pretty lazy. It also gives me motivation, because it is really satisfying checking off each task. I hope this will inspire y’all to make a To-Do list of your own. They are really helpful. Please check out Kasey’s post from October here about her To-Do lists. Thanks for reading this article! If you like it give it a heart & share it with a friend. :) I continue to pray for each of you. Please feel free to email us at We love hearing from our readers & it always makes our day when one of you reaches out and lets us know what you think of the blog. Hope you are having a beautiful day.
~ Aliana 🌻