While TCKs do live exciting lives, we've spent a lot of time being bored. Lockdowns across the world, endless hours in airports and on airplanes, and just the normal "I have nothing to do" days are part of our lives. So, I asked a few TCK friends what they'd suggest doing when you're bored, and this is what they said. Click their names to see more articles by them or interviews about them!
I typically draw on an app called procreate when I’m bored. It’s an app you can get on your iPad. I can bring it when I go on planes and such. It’s definitely something I’d recommend for when you're bored if you enjoy drawing like me.

The things I do when I'm bored are read, practice guitar or ukulele, take my dog on a walk, go to thrift stores in my area and look around, take pictures on my camera, watch something on Disney+ or Netflix, paint my nails or have with a makeover, or curl my hair. Those are the things that first came to mind.
When I'm bored I will usually read a book, mess up and solve my Rubik's cubes, go for a walk, or ride outside in the forest. (Music never fails me as well)

When I'm bored at home, I can never say no to a good book. I'm also always up for watching something on Netflix, calling a friend, or listening to music. Reading, Netflix, and music are my go-to's while traveling.
When I am bored, I like to read a book, mostly a book I haven't read yet or haven't finished. Or I will play a game with my siblings, either a card game or we go play games outside like soccer or kickball.

If I have nothing to do or if I'm traveling, I'll typically read a book. Sometimes I'll pull out my journal and write some. One thing that I like to do is make a new photo collage for the lock screen on my phone. Similarly, I'll also make new playlists on Spotify, and I have over 20 playlists now (plus some others that I'm working on)! Another, especially if I'm traveling, is to listen to podcasts! I also listen to podcasts when I'm doing chores like folding laundry, or when I'm making my bed.